Bacon Basket

Bacon Basket

I’ve shown bacon baskets on the blog before but can you ever really have enough bacon? Most people would say no.

brunch 2

I like bacon although I am trying to eat less of it.  You certainly don’t find it on any 10 most healthful foods list.  But when you grow up eating bacon, or any food really, it is hard to make that lifestyle change and substitute it with kale…or whatever the current must-eat superfood is.

Whenever I smell bacon it reminds me of the camping trips we used to take when I was growing up.  We belonged to the Starcraft Camper Club and would go on monthly camping trips around Georgia and a yearly Starcraft Rally campout somewhere in the United States. I have lots of great memories from those campouts, but whenever I smell bacon, it makes me recall waking up in the campground and walking to the bathhouse and seeing all the moms or dads out cooking breakfast on their camp stoves.  You could smell bacon at most every campsite.  For me, the smell of bacon is a fast track to the 1970’s at a state park somewhere in Georgia in our little pop-up Starcraft trailer.

Here are a few photos from a rally in 1976 in Philadelphia. Here’s my dad with our trailer and camper club sign.


Here is a shot of some of the camping gang.


And last is me.


Can you smell the bacon yet?  Here is a step by step for making bacon baskets for breakfast or brunch.  They are great with grits and eggs or full of salad for lunch.  Don’t forget the kale in your salad!!!!

Step 1:  Flip a cupcake pan over and cover with heavy duty foil.

foil on one

Step 2:  Weave several slices of bacon over the top of each muffin cup.


Step 3:  Bake at 375 degrees about 15 minutes or until crispy. If your bacon isn’t cooking, increase the heat to 400 degrees.  It really depends a lot upon your oven.


I found that I had to take the bacon cups out of the oven and then place them right-side-up on a cookie sheet and broil them for a few minutes on the inside of the cup to get my desired degree of crispiness.


Step 4: I filled mine with scrambled eggs, grits, and topped them with cheese and chives.

brunch 1

Clean up is easy with the foil liner.  Otherwise it is a smoky, greasy mess!  Do not try this without the foil on the cupcake tins.  You will regret it.  Seriously!  Just like my brother and my mother are probably regretting their head covering choices from this 1973 campout photo. Groovy!


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4 Responses to Bacon Basket

  1. dorot hy December 28, 2015 at 11:42 pm #

    I remember the rallies. I still have one of my hats with all the badges. I see Earl and me in the grpup picture. Your Georgia Group were sure a lot of fun. I picked most of my slides as I could not remember the people or places. Past history!

  2. Merry Carol December 29, 2015 at 1:47 pm #

    I absolutely love, love, love the bacon cups idea…am having a brunch and these are perfect.

  3. Starcraft RV January 5, 2016 at 11:42 am #

    Hi. I manage the Starcraft Camping facebook page and would love to feature this recipe on our weekly Campfire Eats & Treats post. We post a recipe each week to try when camping (or when craving the taste of camp food from home!). We’re so happy that bacon brings back such pleasant childhood memories. Please send me an email if it’s alright that we share your recipe.

    • Julie January 5, 2016 at 8:15 pm #

      Absolutely! I will send you an email, too. Thanks for stopping by the blog!

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