Happy Birthday Merry Carol!

Happy Birthday Merry Carol!

We made you a cake!  And now we are eating it since you are far away today.  Happy birthday to my Aunt Merry Carol.


I think everybody needs a little pink frosting on their special day!



This is a yellow cake with cream cheese frosting and a red velvet crumb filling.



I scanned a few photos from my mom’s album.  The first two are from Berlin Dam in Ohio. DSCF6893 Scan0003


This is my favorite of Merry Carol in her bathing suit in the snow in Ohio.  Probably a double dog dare.



Since my aunt lives in South Carolina she couldn’t be with us tonight. Her favorite sister is blowing out her candles for her.



With nine candles on the cake, I asked my mom to tell nine things about her sister!


1.  She has lovely eyes

2.  She has beautiful thick hair that I used to thin for her.

3.  We used her to test the ice when we went skating.

4.  She fell down a lot when we went skating but I don’t remember her crying about it.

5.  Mom used to dress us alike.

6. We called Dale the “pet fly” because we thought he was Mom’s favorite.

7.  We loved to swim in the river.

8.  Some of my best recipes have come from her.  Especially the coffee cake.

9.  We entered a recipe contest where we made a cake out of layers of Jello. We didn’t win.

Hope you have a fun day!


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One Response to Happy Birthday Merry Carol!

  1. Merry Carol December 20, 2013 at 7:31 pm #

    Made the coffee cake today and planned to call and tell you a great tip for making it—even after all these years…Thank you Julie…your blog is the frosting on my birthday today…was great…heard from nearly all the family. MC

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