I'm Back

I’m Back

I’m so happy to be back!  If you’ve been here before, you’ll remember Frankly Southern from several years ago.   Unfortunately, all of the posts from before are gone so I am starting from scratch, but that’s okay.  There is always something going on around here.  Tonight, for example, I met Nancy, Nancy, and Cindy for some wonderful conversation and the promise of more to come.  We are going to paint, and eat, and laugh again very soon.  Can’t wait for our next outing, birdies!


So, welcome back to Frankly Southern!

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2 Responses to I’m Back

  1. Nancy Steadman June 22, 2012 at 2:22 am #

    Great to have you back! Looking forward to all of your blogging.

  2. Terri June 22, 2012 at 12:12 pm #

    Great photo! You all look fab! Missing everyone and nice to have Frankly Southern back 🙂

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