Manchester Arms English Pub

Manchester Arms English Pub

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I went with friends to the Manchester Arms English Pub tonight in College Park.  We sat outside because the restaurant was completely full. There was the beginning of a slight breeze so we thought it would be cool enough to sit outside in spite of the heat. So instead of waiting for a table inside, that’s what we did. Here is a photo of the exterior from Trip Advisor.  We sat under one of those little red umbrellas that appear to be from the nearby Woodward Academy or it was a misprint with an upside-down M for Manchester and A for Arms?

The breeze continued to delight us as we placed our order.  Then the clouds rolled in and the breeze picked up and nearby phones began to buzz emergency weather warnings. We soon found ourselves in the middle of a downpour complete with zinging lightning and gully-washing rain.  We squeezed in tighter to the umbrella but still got wet.  Was it better to sit near the lightning rod umbrella pole or out in the rain?  Decisions, decisions. Our food comes and we ask if we can go inside.  No can do.  All the seats are still full. Apparently no one was rushing to get out in the rain to drive home. Imagine that.

It’s windy, rainy, ligntningy and on top of that we had Nosy-Ned at the table beside us listening to our conversation.  Not the most relaxed dinner I’ve had, yet it was one of the most delicious dinners ever and I got to spend it with amazing friends, so I CANNOT complain!  It was delightful and I imagine, will prove to be memorable.


The server was apparently some kind of hypno-waiter.  I am trying not to eat pork yet I hungrily listened to his description of the restaurant specialty and I found myself ordering the 4-inch-thick smoked pork chop.  4 inches!!!!  It was tender, smokey, moist and fabulous!  If you like smoked meats, this is a must-order.


We did not linger over coffee and dessert but dashed through the rain to our cars to get out of the lightning.  It was a fun evening and I look forward to returning.  Maybe next time I’ll get a hypno-waiter that will guide me to a vegetarian selection.  It could happen.

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2 Responses to Manchester Arms English Pub

  1. Terri July 20, 2016 at 4:55 pm #

    Definitely a fun and memorable night!! Are you having pork again tonight fit dinner? Is Chupa’s mouth watering looking at that pork bone?

    • Julie July 21, 2016 at 10:27 am #

      Yes, we’ve had quite a few pork chop enhanced meals.

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