New Chairs

New Chairs

Look at my deck chairs. I’m thinking alien laser attack or solar flares pointing in my general direction.


My chair cushions are melting.DSCF2891

It’s crazy and very expensive to replace these cushions every year.  This time I said enough is enough and I opted for wooden Adirondack style chairs.  My mom sent me one of her “Brad’s Deals” online to buy some new foldable Adirondack Chairs.  Score one for Brad.   They were a good price, free shipping, and best of all mom-approved.  Sounds perfect.   Well….always stop and read the fine print.  They arrived as deck chair KITS.  Basically I received 4 boxes of sticks!!!!!


Right about this time Davis asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  Here was the quote from him. “If you don’t think of something, I’ll just go to Stein Mart and buy you a necklace.” He’s such a guy.    I knew immediately what I wanted.  Manual labor.



Finally done and looking good.


Nothing better on a hot mosquitoey night than some fresh Strawberry Lemonade while relaxing in my new chairs.  Time to celebrate the finished project.


Strawberry Lemonade

8 large strawberries

3/4 cup sugar

2 1/2 cups water

1 cups lemon juice

Blend the strawberries with 1/2 cup water.  Strain through a mesh strainer to remove the seeds.  Place strawberry juice in a pitcher and add  sugar, lemon juice, and water – taste along the way so that you don’t make the lemonade too weak by adding too much water.  Stir until sugar is dissolved.  Serve over ice. (ALL of these amounts are estimates.  If the lemons are tart, add more sugar. If you like weaker lemonade, add more water, etc.)




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