Recipe Box Roulette - Snow Day 2015

Recipe Box Roulette – Snow Day 2015


We had a not very snowy snow day today.  I didn’t mind staying home and I certainly applaud our school superintendents in the various counties for trying to avoid another horrible snow jam like last year.  When I have a bit of extra time for leisure cooking, I like to play Old Recipe Box Roulette.  I doubt I originated this activity but I didn’t specifically steal it from someone so I am going to claim the origins of this game until I hear differently.  DSCF2421

I have several old boxes of recipes given to me from my mother and grandmother.  Some recipes are handwritten.  Some are magazine clippings.  Some are food-stained and others look like they never quite made it into the dinner rotation. When I have time, I like to open an old recipe box, close my eyes and pull out a recipe that I have to make.  It doesn’t matter if I think I would like it or not, I have to make it .  That’s the rules.

Today I selected the “Eggless – Milkless – Shorteningless Cake.”  No kidding, that’s the name.  It must be from the sixties because all during the 1970’s the cakes had names like The Robert Redford Cake, Pig Pickin’ Cake, or to be really racy…The Better Than Sex Cake.  Someone was very literal when they named this cake.  Is shorteningless really even a word?


Eggless – Milkless – Shorteningless Cake

1 cup granulated sugar

2 1/4 cup all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking soda

1 cup Miracle Whip

1/4 cup cocoa powder

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup water

Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl.  Add Miracle Whip, water and vanilla.  Mix until well blended.  Pour into a greased and floured 9 X 13 inch pan.  Bake for 25-30 minutes or until cake tests done.  Cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The verdict?  Yes, I would make it again.  It was one of the easiest cakes I have ever made.  It is light and extremely moist.  I might have to transfer that card into my current recipe box.  Maybe I’ll give it a new name.  How about the Brenden Fraser Cake or the Gerard Butler Cake?   Yummy!



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2 Responses to Recipe Box Roulette – Snow Day 2015

  1. MC February 25, 2015 at 4:32 pm #

    I have used this recipe for my friends who have egg allergies…it is good. MC

  2. Dorothy March 2, 2015 at 8:42 pm #

    i remember the old mayonaise cake. Does that date me???

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