Caramel Corn and a Happy Birthday Box

Caramel Corn and a Happy Birthday Box

I received a very happy box in the mail today.  My friend Nancy and her mom Dorothy sent me a box of goodies today.  What a wonderful surprise!  Inside was a couple of pie pan additions to my favorite pattern, Currier and Ives by Royal China.  Also in the box was a brush and ceramic tray with the Currier and Ives pattern.  I have collected a lot of pieces in this pattern but have never seen anything like it with the Currier and Ives image.  I LOVE IT!  THANK YOU!!!!


Then, in the bottom of the box was a bag of caramel corn.  In retrospect, I should have waited until everyone left the room to pull out this treat so I could have had it to myself.  Seriously not kidding.  It was delicious. (I use “was” because it is already gone.)  Nancy created this recipe from a similar one on the blog.  Nancy, however, used the hulless popcorn instead of regular popcorn.  Genius!


It was cooked to perfection, as you would expect from Nancy, not scorched, not sticky.  Just crunchy and delicious.


I put it in a Currier and Ives dish and had a mini Ohio vacation right here in Georgia.

Now I’m headed to the grocery store to get some hulless popcorn.  Must-have-more….

Caramel Corn 

Nancy Whinnery

10 cups Shearer’s hulless popcorn (They are called Butter Puffs but I’m sure there are other brands of this type of popcorn.)

2 cups nuts

1 stick butter

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup corn syrup

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

Measure and mix popcorn and nuts in a large bowl. Bring the next 4 ingredients to a rolling boil.  Remove from heat.  Stir vanilla and soda into sugar mixture until just blended.  Pour over popcorn as you stir the popcorn to coat it as evenly as possible.  Pour into and spread evenly in an 11X17 baking pan that has been sprayed with Pam.  Bake for 30 minutes in a 260 degree oven stirring at 10 minute intervals.  Remove from oven ans stir one more time.  Let cool in the pan on a cooling rack.  Break into smaller pieces if necessary and store in an airtight container.

Again, thanks for my goodie box!  What a treat!

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2 Responses to Caramel Corn and a Happy Birthday Box

  1. dorot hy June 23, 2016 at 7:34 pm #

    I know you said you had enough pieces of Currier and Ives but I know pie pans are hard to come by so I picked these up at our first annual antique sale in Sebring last weekend. Thot they could always be repurposed The president of our Historical Society got the crumb set at one of the Currier and Ives clubs annual meetings which was held in Sebring several years ago and she had no need for it and wanted to know if anyone wanted it. But lucky for you, I was sitting right next to her and I said I do I do and I think anyone else was afraid to speak up. I was so afraid I didn’t have the handle of the crumb pan not packed good enough. But I guess it made it. Enjoy!

    • Julie June 23, 2016 at 8:16 pm #

      Thank you for everything. I love the pie pans. They are very versatile as you mentioned, and I have NEVER even seen the crumb pan before. What a thoughtful gift. I need to make some crumb cake so I can have something to sweep up after. Thanks so much!

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