Creamy Tomato Pasta with Fried Mushrooms

Creamy Tomato Pasta with Fried Mushrooms

I am admittedly a better baker than cooker.  That’s why you see more baked goods and desserts on the blog than any other food.  But I do want you to know that we eat other things around here besides sweets.  Sometimes the daily food we eat isn’t very photogenic or interesting so it doesn’t make the cut.


Tonight’s dinner was somewhat photogenic but quite easy and delicious so… Congratulations to the Creamy Tomato Pasta – You made it onto the blog tonight!


I like this recipe because for the most part, it is a pantry/staple meal.  The only ingredient I didn’t have on hand was the mushrooms. I had to dispatch the fairies to go to the forest to pick them.  I received four thumbs up from the table tonight which is rare because we all eat so differently.


Creamy Tomato Pasta with Fried Mushrooms


1/2 box bowtie  pasta (I had a 12-ounce box)

boiling water and salt for pasta

1/2 cup chopped onion

1 clove garlic, minced

1 teaspoon butter or olive oil

1 15-ounce can tomato sauce

1/2 can water

1 teaspoon dried basil

1/2 cup sour cream


1 carton sliced mushrooms (small or large carton…depends upon how much you like mushrooms and how many you are feeding)

1/2 cup flour (or more as needed)

salt and pepper

vegetable oil

Heat water to boiling and add the pasta.  Boil until tender.  Meanwhile in a large pan, cook the onion and garlic in the butter or oil until tender.  Add the tomato sauce, water, basil and salt and pepper to taste.  While the tomato sauce is simmering, place the flour, salt, and pepper in a plastic bag and add mushrooms. Shake bag until mushrooms are well coated.  Heat oil in a large skillet and add the mushrooms.  Fry until crispy on the outside.  Season with more salt and pepper.  Right before serving, add the sour cream to the tomato mixture; stir until blended and heated through.  Strain the pasta and add to the tomato mixture. Place fried mushrooms on top.  You can also garnish with Parmesan cheese.

We got a late start on dinner because I watched E.T. this afternoon.

It’s still a great movie after all these years – 1982.  I’ll do the math for you.  That’s 34 years. I don’t think I had seen it in about 20 years so it was a treat when I saw it on my movie channel today with no commercials.  I remember when it came out how emotional people were while watching it and I also remember how the movie launched the sales of Reese’s Pieces.  Tonight I’m going to go out and look at the “Strawberry Moon” and maybe if I squint my eyes just right I’ll see E.T. riding across. I hope I do.

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5 Responses to Creamy Tomato Pasta with Fried Mushrooms

  1. Merry Carol June 20, 2016 at 11:12 pm #

    We, too, had bow tie pasta tonight.

    • Julie June 21, 2016 at 9:19 am #

      I like pasta. I buy lots of different shapes but for some reason it all tastes the same. LOL

  2. Phyllis June 21, 2016 at 7:10 am #

    Looks beautiful and captures the mouthwateringness I’m sure it embodies!

    Love the ET commentary, 1st movie we took our son, now 36, to see in a theatre (probably Old National) and he sat there motionless and mesmerized. Good memories.

    • Julie June 21, 2016 at 9:18 am #

      If I remember correctly (and sometimes I don’t) E.T. was the first movie we bought as a VHS tape. We felt so lucky that we could watch a movie theater movie at home whenever we wanted to. Magical.

  3. Sally June 21, 2016 at 1:17 pm #

    The pasta was delicious and the mushrooms were fried to perfection!

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