Happy Fall

Happy Fall

Determined to get to the mountains at least once this fall, I woke everyone up very early last Saturday and we piled in the car to see some fall color in the trees and to buy some apples.  As we drove it got closer and closer to our destination we could see less and less.  It was a gray, foggy not-so-colorful day.

We stopped first in Ellijay at the Penland Apple House and sampled many, many apples and bought a warm apple turnover.

I finally selected Mutsu and Pink Lady apples.  The Mutsu cook down for apple sauce and the Pink Lady retain their texture better for pies.

Then we crossed the road over to Panorama Apple House to sample more apples, cider and make a few more purchases.

The  weather was still foggy, so we made a quick detour into Ellijay. And by quick, I mean we circled the town square and headed back out.  Nothing was open yet.  You see, Olivia has dance practice every Saturday so we left the house at 6:00 a.m. and had arrived at 8:00 ready for our apple turnover breakfast.  We had to leave by 9:30 to get her back to dance by noon.  This was a speedy apple/leaf run.  I told you I was determined to get to see leaves and apples!

In Ellijay I did take the time to snap a picture of this patriotic display made from pallets hanging on the side of a store.  I love it!

The sky was finally slightly cooperating and I was able to take a few pictures of fall color.

The blue sky was still hidden.  Oh well, time to head back.

At home, I wasted no time peeling some apples, tossing in a little butter and brown sugar to make applesauce.

These are the Mutsu apples. They made a really creamy and nice applesauce.

Halloween followed a few days later and you can see Davis and his buddies striking a pose.  They sang for their trick-or-treats barbershop quartet style and raked in the candy.

Now, I get to go digging in his bag for some Milky Ways.  Keep singin’ boys!

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