Six Months till Christmas

Six Months till Christmas

If it’s six months till Christmas that can only mean one thing.  Long layaway at KMart? Nope.  Catalog shopping at Montgomery Ward? Nope.  It can only mean that it’s my birthday!


I was awakened to the delicious aroma of breakfast made even more delicious by the fact that I wasn’t cooking it.  I thought maybe my mom was down there frying up the bacon but it was, in fact, Davis and Olivia (and friends) who cooked my birthday breakfast.


They stayed up most of the night, planning, shopping, and cooking.  They even made a cake that was baked, cooled, and frosted by 7 a.m.  They made  a revenge cake and made me come up with the story this time (see yesterday’s post.)  The nice part was that they let me be 25 again.  Everything was delicious!


I enjoyed my gifts and party in spite of the fact that we lost one of our chefs to exhaustion and lack of sleep.  Man down!


The birthday gang ate and sang and it was a birthday to remember.


Thanks for all the cards, gifts, phone calls, and texts for my birthday.  It’s been a fun one.



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2 Responses to Six Months till Christmas

  1. Phyllis June 25, 2016 at 5:31 pm #

    Happy Birhday Julie!!!

  2. Ansley Monaghan June 25, 2016 at 5:47 pm #

    Happy Birthday Julie!!!

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